Thursday, August 25, 2011

This is A Serious Blog Today....

On Tuesday morning, my day began by receiving a phone call informing me that a former co-worker and friend with whom I taught with for a year, had been murdered by her husband the night before. My world hasn't been the same since. We all hear these horrifying stories on the news or read about them in a magazine or newspaper but in these instances, it is only just a story. My bones have felt ice cold since hearing this chilling news and I have spent most of my time trying to wrap my head around why in the world things like this have to happen.

Whenever something awful happens to me or to those around me, I always search for a meaning or a lesson. I think that our souls elevate when we learn how to turn an incredibly negative situation into something positive or at the very least, beneficial to our being. I'm struggling with finding the lesson here. I'm struggling to understand the power of  anger and how someone could lose so much control of themselves that they take the life of someone they truly loved. I'm struggling to understand why this beautiful woman, who was an amazing mother had have her life ended so soon.

I have been spirtual ever since I can remember--it is a side of myself that I treasure as well as protect from judgements and critisism. I believe in a higher power and I believe that all human beings are here on earth on our own personal missions. I believe that underneath all of our layers, we all have the same intention to make this world a better place before we depart. Some people succeed and will change the world indefinitely while others get off track and ultimately find themeselves lost. I am choosing to believe that in this devastating tragedy, my friend had completed all she needed to here on Earth and her soul was ready to move on. I am also choosing to believe that her husband is one of those lost souls who needs to find his way back on the right track and I am hoping and believing that one day he will.

I guess today I just want to remind you all that life isn't permanent, you never know when you will take your last breath or give someone that last kiss goodbye. It's so easy to get sucked under by the strong negative current that is constantly bombarding our lives but I am challenging you be stronger than that. Each and every one of us has the potential to choose positivity. Choose to love people instead of wasting your time disrespecting and hating on everybody. Choose to smile instead of walking around with an undesirable frown on your face all the time. Choose to believe instead of filling your life to the brim with doubt. Choose to appreciate the things we take for granted; nature,having food, technology, being alive!! [ect,ect]

I don't mean to sound like a preacher but I, from the bottom of my little out of control heart, care about peoples lives and genuinely want everyone to live the best life they can.

I appreciate the fact that I get to share this world with you,


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