Friday, August 26, 2011

Shower Thoughts

I do most of my heavy thinking and decision making while in the shower. I am notorious for taking super long, luxurious showers and making the rest of my family members furious because they will have minimal to zero hot water left for their own. I wish I could say I could stop making my parents and sisters suffer but I simply cannot do that. You see, I need long showers because I need to have "Bcoll$" thinking time and I need to do this while exfoliating my naked body.

What I Thought About In the Shower Today

1. I couldn't be more of a white person, so why the heck is my hair so nappy? I have never had silky, soft hair, it's always been a little untamed and crazy. Sometimes it looks like a mane, which I attribute to my zodiac sign being a LEO. As of late thought, my loony locks have really been stepping out of line creating a damn ruckus! My hair feels like straw and is knotting itself so badly that the last time I got a "blow out" the hairdresser told me it looked like I was trying to have dreads. I'm not entirely opposed to having dreads because dreads are often correlated to Jamaica, which is my favorite country on the planet. However, I'm not growing dread locks. Here is a picture, just so you know that I'm not being dramatic


2. There is dried up wax on my inner thigh from getting my Lois lane waxed last night. I know that talking about getting waxed is probably not an ideal conversation piece but I just need to address my thoughts and opinions about it. I have accepted that in this day in age being a hairy beast just isn't attractive unless you are dating someone who has a hair fetish. I still can't help but get a little angry every 5-7 weeks when I have to subject myself to the painful 20 minutes of having someone rip the hair off of my vaginalicious. I'm sure anyone who has ever been waxed understands what I am talking about.  I wish I could make this a "how come men don't get waxed thing" but I know lots of men who have had enough balls to try to handle their hair situation, especially men of the homosexual persuassion. Bald is beautiful?

*no worries, I will not add a picture of my freshly waxed coochie coo*

3. Why did Kim K marry that doofy guy, she should have BEEN married to Reggie Bush. The day Kim Kardashian and the most perfect specimen alive, Reggie Bush broke up is a day I will never forget. I was nursing a broken heart of my own relationship of 2 years ending and the blow of the news that my girl crush and the man of dreams were no longer together pushed me over the edge. If I ever was to be involved in a threesome I would like it to be with Kim K and Reggie B even though Kim and RAYJ's sex tape showed us that she is seriously boring in bed. I always figured they would get back together and was the most confused when I received the news that she was engaged to the bafoon she is now married to. It's a shame. The silver lining here is that Reggie is single and could potentially steal me away from my boyfriend.


::Rolls eyes::

4. Why do some people never have to work out a day in their life? I will not complain about working out because the feeling I get after I work out is amazing and slightly addictive. I will however, question the universe on why some people never work out and somehow stay skinny? How does that happen to someone and why?  My ass is so sore right now that it hurts to sit on the toilet because of the workouts my personal trainer best guy friend has been making be do.[ PS; I am not a skinny person despite working out and gnawing on celery for the last 10 months.] I just wonder what it is like to eat as many oreos as you want, drink beers every night and still get to wake up looking hot as hell.

5. If I could have a super power, what would it be? I asked myself this question in the shower despite already knowing the answer. I would be a wizard/witch and fight  valiantly against the dark lord alongside Harry Potter and his crew. HP 4ever

Here I am dressed as Harry Potter on more than one occasion



In the midst of all these very important and very critical thoughts, I realized that I was showering not at my own home but at my place of employment. Thank goodness for having a boss who 1. lets me shower at her house and 2. is a wackadoodle just like me!

Peace & love baby birds,

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