If you make an excellent choice and become a fan of this blog, then there is a 100% chance that you will see a few peculiar words and phrases throughout the entries. The last thing I'd like to do is confuse you radical readers, which is why today, we are having a vocabulary lesson. Pay attention, there might be a pop quiz! (not really, I've just always wanted to say that.)
The Twilight Zone Vocabulary List
1. Polly Pocket
Definition: A person small in stature; female under 5'2; man under 5'6; usually suffers from Napoleon Complex/syndrome
How to Use in a Sentence:
--> Rafael is acting like a real dipshit tonight, he's really showing his polly pocket tendencies, how can we kick him out of the party?
-->This Polly Pocket just cut the whole entire line to the bathroom!"
I never actually considered the idea that men might be attracted to me until I went to college and they actually were. Unfortunately, most of these men were "Polly Pockets."I plan on dedicating an entire blog to my research and findings on the Polly Pocket species, but until then, don't forget the word.
Disclaimer : I do not mean to disrespect to the vertically challenged and am well aware that there are some short people who do not display Polly Pocket behavior.
2. Get it in 0'clock
Definition: a way to tell people not to bother you because you are engaging in a romantic endeavor; a declaration of motivation; a time on your biological clock
How to use in a sentence:
--> "Sorry to cut you short, but I have to go, it's Get it in 0'clock!
-->"The only acceptable excuse you have for not coming out last night is that it was get it in 0'clock!!"
"Get it in 0'clock" actually originated when I was celibate and was obsessed with my friends love lives. I was encouraging one of my friends to take her relationship with the guy she was dating to the next level and told her that when she saw him, it better be "get it in 0'clock." I didn't think much of it, weird words and phrases often fly out of my mouth from nowhere, it's very rare that they actually stick. Later that night, I got a text from this friend saying "B!! it's about to be get it in 0'clock, the eagle has landed!" I broke out into an outrageous laughter, and immediately fell in love with 'get it in 0'clock. I also patted myself on the back for choosing such treasures of people for friends.
Definition: do. I. look. like. I. give. a. fuck.
How to use in a sentence:
-->"My dress is too short, and I forgot to wear underwear today, DILLIGAF."
-->"You're being a negative Nancy and don't like that I'm a positive Pam. I'm sorry but DILLIGAF?"
My great friend Joseph White introduced me to this word and I love everything about it. I personally have found DILLIGAF to be an extraordinary tool in life and use it often. It can be used in just about every context; it can even be used as a state of mind. Whip this wonderful word out when people least expect it and it's sure to get a giggle or maybe an eye roll. Either way, if you are too concerned about the reaction it will create then perhaps you aren't ready to have DILLIGAF in your vocabulary.
4. BAP
Definition: Bomb ass pu$$y
How to use in a sentence:
-->"That girl I banged out last night, had the BAP"
-->"Damn, why is that dude sweating you like that?? You BAP attacked him didn't you??"
This originated in a hilarious conversation among me and my girlfriends. BAP is something that I feel every girl should aspire to have. If you have a sexual encounter with someone and they aren't interested in having another one, then something really needs to be reevaluated. Same goes for guys, if you don't think or use this term after spending a night with a lady friend, then perhaps you should think about enhancing the quality of female in your bed. This is one of my favorite abbreviations and will make an appearance in this blog more than once. =)
5. <>
Definition: this how to throw the ROC up via text or on the computer.
How to use in a sentence:
-->"wanna go out in the concrete jungle where dreams are made of tonight? <>"
-->"I'm probably going to spend an obscene amount of money on that HOV and Kanye concert, dilligaf though <>"
I am gigantic fan of Jayz. I love his music, I love what his music stands for, I think he's a brilliant business man and I think that he understands life on a level that most people never will. I throw the roc up at least once a day, and if you ever text me about him, I will probably throw up the virtual roc to you.
6. Dickswag
Definition: the way a man carries himself; qualities a man can display that can tell you about the size of his penis
How to use it in a sentence;
-->"These guys who are confused about the difference between dancing at a club and humping seriously are lacking dickswag!!"
--> He's cute and everything but I'm concerned about his dickswag. What should I do?"
This is another word that also originated during a conversation among girlfriends. We were all sharing our stories and experiences with each other, when suddenly I started making connections. There are signs, behaviors, even physical attributes that if identified properly can let a girl know what a man is working with before they normally would find out. I am currently in the process of conducting some serious studies on this hypothesis and am confident that this information will be changing the sexual world as we know it. In the meantime, you should get familiar with this word.
If you ever wanted to use these six life changing words in a paragraph and really knock someones socks off, here's how you can do it;
That Polly Pocket Ted's attitude really turned me off, but Susie says he has dickswag. I trust what Susie says because she has a DILLIGAF mentality and her ex boyfriend, Scott, told my boyfriend that she has some serious BAP, too. Look at them leaving the party, seems like clock just struck get it in 0'clock tonight! Good for them <>.
Class Dismissed,
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