I was driving home from work today, daydreaming about the vacation I'm about to embark on tomorrow when suddenly "The Twilight Zone" popped into my brain. As I was pondering my previous blogs, their content and what my next one would be about; 'Tearing up my heart' by N'sync penetrated the speakers of my 1998 Buick Century. After 2 minutes of singing at the top of my lungs and feeling the spirit of the song in all the way deep in my bones, I knew exactly what arbitrary information I wanted to share with you rambunctious readers.
5 Songs That Changed My Life
1. The Barney Theme song.
I was a loyal and extremely enthusiastic Barney Fan. I loved that Purple dinosaur and his over the top goofy laugh. I even felt a connection with his little sister, Baby Bob. I would feel extreme delight when my mom would pop the Barney tape that she hid from me due to my obsession, on the top of the refrigerator in our sturdy VHS. I can still remember the warm and fuzzy feeling I would get when I'd hear the intro to the theme song leaving me in such suspense until finally, the glorious lyrics would begin. "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family, with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you...won't you say you love me too" This song is not on my ipod but it doesn't have to be. I sing it to myself, or to a very lucky listener at least 6 times a fortnight. Barney may be a plus sized, alleged drug taking, irritating dinosaur to some but his words will echo forever in my heart.
2. Baby Got Back- Sir Mix A lot
Baby Got Back is one of my all time favorite songs. Sir Mix A lot is a true genius and his love of a voluptuous backside is one that has yet to be matched. If this song comes on and you don't have the irresistible urge to shake your ass with pride and enthusiasm, then I don't think we'd get along. This song was certainly not written for me, but when I hear the Baby Got Back beat drop I feel as if Sir Mix Alot is rapping only to me and making me feel as if my booty is the only one in the world. Isn't that what every girl dreams of? Also, the lyric "my anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun" inspires me to always have some junk in my trunk. I would be devastated an an anaconda wanted none from me.
3.Wannabe- Spice Girls
The Spice Girls were my idols when I was just a cub. I used to throw my two fingers up in the air all the time. Not to declare to the world that I was peace crusader, but to tell everyone that my 8 year old, 65 pound self possessed GIRL POWER. I knew every word to every song on their album and of course aspired to one day grow up and be just like Ginger Geri Spice. The song 'Wannabe' still gets the blood pumping through my veins and the lyric "If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends, make it last forever, friendship never ends" played the role of an invaluable lesson of what friendship truly is.
4.Juicy- Notorious B.I.G
This is perhaps the only rap song that I can say with confidence I know every single word to. When I rap along, I am no longer a white female from the suburbs of Connecticut. Instead, I am a 350lb, Jamaican man with a blunt in my hand and enough talent to change the hip hop industry indefinitely. It doesn't matter that I have never read even one article in "word up magazine" or that I don't own a "red and black lumberjack, with the hat to match." When Juicy is playing, I know Biggie, I AM Biggie.I lived in Brooklyn and I pushed illegal drugs, spit the illest rhymes, and I even let Lil Kim ride my dick.
"Birthdays was the worst days, now we sip champagne when we thirstay!"
5. The Macarena
When the Macarena was released, I was absolutely elated. I was great at many things in life in the fourth grade but having rhythm was unfortunately not one of them. The Macarena didn't care that I was always a beat off, or judge me when the tamigatchi I was wearing around my neck would hit me in the eye due to my spastic movements--and was always patient when I would mess up the pronunciation of the Spanish language. The Macarena simply provided me 12 basic movements, a hip roll to do at the end, and even allowed the opportunity to applaud myself when I completed them! I was convinced that I was the bees knees when I would perform this beauty of a song and to be completely honest, I still do. Any song that can give you THAT much confidence is a song that will transcend the hands of time...ayyy!!
girl power forever,
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