Sunday, January 29, 2012


I woke up with love and relationships on my mind. Although I love to love, I am not the type of girl who sits around googling "relationship and love quotes" while fantasizing about Prince Charming galloping on his white horse right into my life. In my opinion, Prince Charming is a ridiculous, invisible comparison that has left many ladies and perhaps even a few gentleman completely and utterly disillusioned about what real love actually consists of. I am not trying to sound like a Bitter Bethy pants because I really am not. I just think that people need to think a little more about what connecting with another human being in a romantic way involves and how it develops. It's a gradual process that has a 50/50 chance to succeed or fail; it's a constant revolving door that many of us will walk through lots of times in our lifetime. Obviously, I have identified the "love stages" that I came up with out of experience, hundreds upon hundreds conversations with my gal and male pals, observation, common sense and just about every other way anyone can ever form an opinion. Enjoy!


  • Initial Mutual Attraction: Two people discovering that they are attracted to one another is usually an exciting time. We all like to feel wanted and when we realize that the hot piece of ass we've been keeping our eye on has been keeping their eye on us too, is when we feel like things are about to go down. This time is also a bit vulnerable because it could go either 1 of 2 ways; You could either make this attraction be a catalyst for the clock chiming "get it in 0' clock" or you could take it slow, get to know each other, go on dates and see how far this little attract attack can take you. It really depends on what the two of you are looking for. If it's a chance at love you're hoping for then I suggest to try to take it slow, give the physical connection a chance to blossom into more. If you aren't looking for anything serious, then take the physical connection and see if you can develop it into a sexually satisfying situation. I'd give you a high five regardless!
  • The 'Talking Stage': "Talking" is an example of our generation having blatant issues with commitment and labels. During the talking stage you will find yourself texting with your "boo thang" all the time, late night phone calls, hanging out in the same place with your respective group of friends and usually occasional  and casual one on one time. Saying your talking to someone gives you an ample amount of cushion to fall on if things don't pan out the way you had hoped. It also gives you time to get to know someone in a laid back, no pressure, no strings attached kind of way. Be aware that this is the time that 2 people will do their best to impress each other. You can expect them to be on top of their game in respect to; cracking jokes, looking their absolute best every time you see them, no drama behavior, seeming super duper interesting, flirting, giving unsolicited compliments, showering you with attention, affection--ect.ect. The 'talking stage' is usually a really fun time and if it is not, then it is unlikely that the couple will move on to the next stage of love.
  • Exclusive Dating: When two people decide that they like each other so much, that they don't even want to leave the possibility of their baby bear dating another person; they will become an exclusive Ernie and Emelia. Becoming exclusive is both a happy time as well as a terrifying time. This is a time of commitment. This is when the two of you will have to send out texts to the secret players you have kept on your roster just in case, letting them know that their contracts have officially not been renewed. This is when you have to pretty much alter any remotely eye brow raising behavior because now it is not only a reflection of yourself but also a reflection of your relationship. Usually, these two people are so into each other that the notion of them not staring in one anothers eyes with creepy, glowing smiles on their love struck faces is not even realistic for them.
  • Honey Moon Phase: ohhh the honey moon phase. This is a time in which the couple is at their peak happiness and subsequently can be found annoying F out of any of their friends who are single or are currently in a long term relationship. During the HM phase, every kiss will make you feel like you are one step closer to heaven, you will walk around town with a bizarre pep in your step that nobody will understand and you will find yourself raving to anyone who will listen about how you are the most lucky person. Enjoy this time, treasure it, bottle it up because once ends--and it will, you and you significant other will never return back to this phase.
  • Real Relationship: Once the honey moon phase ends, you will find yourself in a real full blown relationship. This is time when you start to form some kind of routine, the constant affection dies down a little bit,  and you get to know each other on a more organic level. I find that this is where most couples decide that they made a mistake in being together and the love train stops in break up city or they find that they actually really, really, really like being in this relationship and want to be in it for a while.
  • L*bomb time: After dating someone for a significant amount of time, you just may find yourself dropping the big ol' doozey: I love you. Saying I love you is a huge freaking deal and once you say it, you can never take it back. So, make sure that you are not wasted, high, on pain medication or half asleep when you declare your love. If you are the person who says the L word first, then you are leaving yourself open to that person not saying it back. Talk about awkward. If this unfortunate instance happens to you then that sucks and I will give you a supportive hug anytime you need one but you should probably also make an executive decision to leave the relationship. There are just some things that are incredibly difficult to bounce back from and corny or not, you deserve someone that is going to love you back.
  • Long Term $hit: Once all the magic of falling in love is behind a couple, you enter the long term phase. As a couple, you begin to get used to your life involving another person directly. You go through trials and tribulations, learn everything you wanted and somethings you never wanted to know about this love of yours and get really good at having sex with each other (if you do not get good at this task, then that is an issue that needs IMMEDIATE attention.)
  • Make it or Break It Time: At some point, you will find yourselves at a fork in the non existent road we all are walking and you two precious people will have to decide if you want to walk the same direction together...or go your separate ways. Things could get BONKERS at this time, so make sure you are fully prepared for your life and your relationship to experience some turbulence. If you and your partner make it through this time safely then chances are, you are really in this for the long haul. You might even start planning a future together. Holla! If your relationship falls apart on heart break Avenue, then cry, be sad, move on and start back at stage one again.

If all else fails--I'll always love you,

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