I remember when DS (dickswag) was conceived. I was shooting the shit at my kitchen table with my sassiest friend, Shameka. We were sharing our own stories and experiences with one another when all of the sudden I had an epiphany. It was as if there was a light shining down on me from the divine, infusing my dome piece with this epic and valuable information. I was so acutely aware of the connections to be made between a sexual experience with someone who was in some way, shape or form sexually disabled versus an experience full of fiery passion and endless pleasure. My eyes widened and goosebumps covered my entire body as I shouted "DICKSWAG!!" Shameka looked at me with her signature side eye and asked me what in the hell I was talking about and truth be told, I have not stopped explaining since.
FAQ about Dickswag
What is Dickswag?
Dickswag is more or less a guideline to follow when pondering about how a gentleman performs during sexy time. These guidelines include but are not limited to
1. Physical Attributes
2. Personality Traits
3. Reputation
4. Tell Tale Signs
6. General Behavior
What Kind of Physical Attributes should I keep an eye for?
The most important physical attribute to take into consideration when assessing the swag of someones regions down south is how they are carrying themselves. A man with DS will walk with his head up, he will have quality posture, he will stand tall even if he is a polly pocket and his presence will be felt when he walks into a room. A man with DS will also present himself properly, his hygiene will be on point, his feet and hands will not be tiny (I don't care what anyone says--the size of a man's extremities do matter. How can anyone take a guy seriously in bed when you have bigger hands then he does??)
Small hands vs. not small hands
Does having Dickswag just mean that they are well endowed?
NO. Having DS is way more involved than just being blessed with an above averaged sized johnson. In all of my findings, I have found that women are typically more satisfied when their partner has a schlong between the length of 5-10 inches BUT I have also have documented findings of men who are packing the heat but lacking in skills. The goal of educating females about dickswag is to implement a system that can assure us better and more satisfying sex by choosing our partners more carefully and thoughtfully.
What kind of personality traits does a man with dickswag possess?
Someone with DS is just oozing with confidence (or swag, whichever term tickles your pickle.) They will never be the over eager or "thirsty" guy basically begging you to give him some attention. Instead, he will be laid back, respectful, he will choose his words carefully and will master the art of conversing with a woman. He will be sexy without boasting or even making mention to the sex that he is capable of providing you with. Even if he is only interested in you for sexual reasons, he will never make you feel like an object or a pawn in a game. A man with DS will respect every lady he engages in conversation, relationships, or sexual encounters with.
How does my intuition factor into all of this?
Most women have the innate ability to tap into their intuition--believe it or not intuition plays a huge role in every area of our lives. If you're interested in someone but you keep hearing that annoying voice in your head telling you that he is wack, has ulterior motives or is a sleazeball, you need to listen. On the other hand, if the vibe is right, if you feel good when you are around this person and have an overwhelming feeling that you two are capable of hitting it off via text, conversation and in the sack--then go get yours girl!!
Side note: I am an intuitive person by nature and base just about everything I do off of if "the vibe feels right." There have been times that I haven't listened and I cannot lie, those times have always ended in true and utter disaster.
Wouldn't someone with a reputation be someone to avoid?
This is a controversial question. If this blog was about "dating advice" then I would say yes, someone with a reputation is someone worth avoiding. However, this is blog about dickswag--this is about getting it in and being satisfied while doing so. We don't live in a fairy tale world where every person you are attracted to will become your prince charming. With that said, if someone has a reputation of having a wack sex game then the odds are that things will be no different if you try to give him a whirl. On the other hand, if you have heard virtually nothing or only glimmers of positivity about the guy your crushing on sex life, then you can check off one of the most important signs of DS! You see, a man with DS will keep his business to himself, he will rarely involve himself with girls in the same circle of friends, he will only keep a few ladies on his roster* at a time and there is a great chance that a man with DS prefers to find one special girl to share his gift with.
Can someone increase their dickswag?
Yes. I believe that men have every opportunity to blow minds with their DS. It starts with them being honest with themselves about what they are working with right this second. Maybe you ejaculate really quickly, maybe you weren't blessed with that big of a penis, maybe you don't understand how to keep a rhythm or maybe you are still a virgin. Whatever your situation may be, my advice to you to is to accept it and then figure out a way to work to your advantage! Do research, watch porn, talk to your girl about it--do whatever you have to do to get your dickswag up, my man!
You see, DS is a phenomenon that can benefit both men AND women! If a woman has the tools and proper education about DS then she can properly identify a man who has it. If a man is aware that us women are looking for more than just a corny line and a cute smile then he will be forced to step his DS game up. Just in case you are need a little more schooling on the subject, I have included a few case studies for your learning benefit.
Case Studies. (all of these situations are 100% true, and these are real subjects. I will not use their names in order to maintain confidentiality.
A girl sees a good looking guy while watching a basketball game. She is physically attracted to him and is immediately curious. Since there were only 4 females in the stands at this game, the good looking guy notices the cute girl drooling over him. Guy approaches girl and doesn't waste anytime asking for her number. She says no because she has a boyfriend and runs away. A few days later, good looking guy runs into a friend of the cute, not single girl. He asks for her number through a third party--when it is refused again, he steals the phone and takes it for himself.
The chase begins: This guy uses the newly stolen phone number and begins texting and calling cute girl. He bombards her with compliments, informs her that he is "hung like a horse," and wants to know everything about her life. After a few short meetings, it is apparent that this guy would like to seal the deal. The cute girl has never dealt with anyone this aggressive and is intrigued but also intimidated--she also admits that this man suffers from what she suspects is, halitosis.
The outcome: After a few weeks of being bombarded with attention and promises of an experience of a lifetime, cute girl gives in to good looking guy. Not only does this gentleman have bad breath, he also has what was described as a magic marker cap sized penis, little to no understanding of what foreplay is and was only able to last 3 minutes tops. Cute girl leaves with an icky smell lingering in her nose and an unignorable feeling of disappointment.
Bcoll$ assessment DS: There were lots of signs pointing to this person being dangerously deficient of dickswag. The first sign of concern was that he stole her number from a third party. Any man with true DS will not have to waste their time on a girl who already turned them down because it really doesn't make a difference in their life. The fact that he was boasting of the size of his dingaling and promising a sexual experience of a life time is a major red flag! A man with DS will never need to make empty promises just to get someone into his bed. Instead he will likely have to do that do get someone out of his bed! Also, this cute girl should have been the most concerned about his halitosis situation from the jump. I do not know how she could have thought that the toxic stench coming from his mouth wouldn't effect her enjoyment of her rendezvous with this man.
Dickswag Score: 2/10
I gave this man a score of 2 out of 10 because he didn't deserve a goose egg due to actually getting everything he wanted. He might be an awful lay but I guarantee that he is not concerned about that seeing as how he was able to lure a girl who was in a relationship into his bed in less than 2 weeks. When we ladies give into men like this we give them power and false confidence. Now this dude is going to continue to use his LAME, dickswagless tactics on every girl he can because he has had success doing so.
Bonus Tip***
I have learned through the subjects that I have studied that it seems these guys who are no good at sex, have an itsy bitsy penis or are minute men go through girls the fastest. Usually these are people who are really good looking, well liked by many and subsequently have an ego the size of Europe. I used to wonder why girl after girl would subject themselves to such a boring and unfulfilled sexual encounters until during my dickswag revelation, it hit me. These guys aren't having sex with the same girls over and over; they are seemingly smash and dashing because they have to--because it is difficult to get a girl to stay interested after they partake in the naked tango together. These men simply go through girls as fast as they can and if you pay attention to what girl is reporting back on these experiences; you will see that these ladies get younger and younger every year.
Scenario: Girl meets good looking guy at a friend's family party. After a while, it becomes apparent that there is a mutual attraction. The guy cranks up his flirtation levels and proceeds to put what was sure to be his "best moves" on the girl. He begins to lick his lips subtly, wink and even became a bit affectionate towards girl in front of other people. The girl does find this guy attractive, so she is going along with the situation despite feeling a little overwhelmed by his tactics. Eventually, the girl invites the guy and his friends to a party later that evening.
How it unfolded: Guy shows up to party already drunk. He makes a point of going right up to the girl and kissing her not on her cheek, but her neck. The girl still feels conflicted about the situation, so she decides to drink more and hang out in another room with her friends. The guy begins to text girl while they are at the same party things like "you are so sexy" and "you look good enough to eat." The girl finds his aggressiveness strange but still thinks the guy is really good looking.
The outcome: After a while, the girl agrees to go talk to guy in a room, alone. They chit- chat for a while and then guy makes a move. She goes with it despite the fact that he was actually licking her lips. Guy and girl fornicate. The girl reported that she felt as if she was a rag doll during this sexual encounter, the guy had an unimpressive penis although he was enthusiastic and she also was left with not one, but three giant hickeys/ bruises. After the sex, the girl admits she regretted her decision.
Bcoll$ assessment of DS: At the beginning of this case study, I was rooting for the girl and guy to get it in. I felt that they had met at a reasonable location, there was an attraction and although he was a tad aggressive, he didn't seem to be disrespectful. My feelings changed once I learned that the guy showed up to the party drunk and that he kissed the girls neck instead of a more acceptable choice, the cheek. I believed the guy to come across as over eager and found his tactics to be tasteless. The actual sex between the two of them seemed awkward in it's description. I think the girl should have known this wasn't going to be overly satisfying when she went to another room to get away from the guy. Sidenote: if you are running away from someone because they make you feel weird, ya probably should not let them get to experience your goodies.
Dickswag score: 4.5/10: This particular guy could have received a way higher DS score if he had simply relaxed on the thirstiness (for alcohol and punani.) His dickswag went down tremendously when he showed up drunk and for being an aggressive Andy. He did however, get to tap that in the end, so again; you have to give it to the guy for getting his.
Scenario: Girl and guy both like each other. They spend lots of time talking, hanging out, innocently flirting. The guy makes it clear that he is attracted to the girl but does not make any sexual advances. Girl thinks the guy is really good looking and wonders about what their sex would be like but isn't in a rush to find out.
What happened: Finally, the guy asks the girl to be his girlfriend and they share their first kiss. They date for a month before actually engaging to sexual intercourse.
The outcome: Girl and guy will both tell you that they have been having sex for 5 years and that it somehow gets better and better every time
Bcoll$ assessment: this guy and this girl went about things a little differently than people are used to but it worked. If a connection is present, than the chances for quality sex increase drastically and this scenario is a clear representation of this fact. I tip my hat to the guy for waiting month before giving the D to the girl and I am thrilled that she did not report him having a deformed penis or even a lack of DS in the slightest.
Dickswag score 9/10: I gave this lad a 9 because it is the highest score that I will give. I am not confident that any one man has perfect dickswag but if you think you are or you have found that man, please feel free to email me to share your story!!
Good hunting to you all,
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