Monday, October 24, 2011

How To Know If A Guy Is Trying To Sleep With you

Today while I was at work, I read something on facebook where a guy that I am friends with called a girl "punk." My immediate response to reading this comment that had realistically nothing to do with me was to go to twitter to write "if a guy calls you punk, he is trying to get in your pants." I stopped myself before officially tweeting this thought because a tweet just wouldn't suffice for a topic such a this. Ever since I learned what an ulterior motive was, I have been trying to crack the code on figuring out how to decipher if a guy has one. No matter how many times we find ourselves in situations we should have learned otherwise from, we females seem to love to give a guy with a cute face the benefit of the doubt. I'd say that basically every guy has a hidden or even not so hidden agenda when it comes to them wanting to do the old boom- boom- bang it out with us.

I was thinking about what kind of editorial comments I could write about this topic but I instead made probably one of the best decisions I've made all week. I decided to send a mass text to 20 of my girlfriends asking them this question "So I'm writing a blog tonight and the topic is "how to know if a guy is trying to sleep with you" and I'm polling all my girlfriends. Give me 1 (or 2) ways you know when someone is trying to get it." I want you to be assured that my friends are all different sizes, ethnicity's, ages and all have very different personalities--but as you will read below had very similar answers to my question.

The Responses

1. "Wink faces. Non stop talking until Thursday night"
2. "Receiving a call after 11pm"
3."First few comments ever made are about your boobs or ass"
4."When he sends me an unsolicited peen pic"
5."Well the last guy I slept with whipped his dick out while driving and said "come on, how could you not want this? This is Greek god shit."
6. "He only texts you late at night to hang out or only talks about how great some aspect of your body is"
7."You can't miss the look in a guys eye when he wants to get it. He will focus on only you and the way you look back will let him know if it's get it in' clock or not." <---Excellent use of "get it in 0'clock by the way
8. "When they ask u wanna come over and watch a movie knowing damn well they wanna hit it."
9. "When he says so when you gonna stop playing those games with me"
10. "If he texts you 3am or later....ni99a tryna fuck. Starring at your tits and booty more than your face....Again ni99a tryna fuck"
11. "sexting"
12. "The clear and direct aproach. For example; I'm going to go home now, want to come? or when you receive a subtle text message from a room away such as "I want to have sex with you."
13. "When he laid on top of me on my bed and whispered sweet nothings to me like "let's just get it over with."
14. "Corny lines"
15. "2am texts"
16. "When someone says yo ma, you fucking fine, you got a man?"
17. "If the first thing he says to you is where is your boyfriend"
18. "If he spells your name wrong when he texts you"
19. "When he looks deep in your eye, kisses you and starts singing boys2men "I'll make love to you, like you want me to"
20."When he tells you that you're a bad girl."

Once I stopped giggling at how hilarious and honest all my home girls replies were, I began to piece together connections about what they were actually saying. I was surprised at how most of my friends interpreted my question because I didn't specify the difference between someone trying to sleep with you for a night (booty call style) versus a man who wanted to date as well as penetrate you. Most of my friends immediately responded with answers that would elude to a guy approaching them purely for sexual reasons. This made the most sense to me because I feel like these days casual "dating" rarely occurs and it seems that fornicating is the only goal most people are trying to achieve. So ladies, after reviewing and reflecting, I have come up with a few tell- tale signs that you should keep an eye out for.

Tell- tale signs

1. If a dude hits you with the "what you up to" text after 11pm, it is safe to assume that he is trying to get his dick wet.
2. If the conversation turns sexual within the first 30 minutes of dialogue then you should be aware the he most likely not too concerned with your stance on the 2012 presidential election.
3. If he calls you "boo, baby, shawty, sexy, fine or mama" during standard introductions you then you should accept the fact that he has little to no intention of ever remembering your real name.
4. If his eyes keep darting down into the depths of your cleavage or happens to always be walking behind you with his eyes bugging out of his sockets then you should know that he probably isn't too interested in your face or the words coming out of your mouth. Congratulations on having a banging body though.
5. If he whips out, sends picture or grabs his manhood without it being encouraged or asked for then you have to be a really silly girl to not know what time this guy is ready for it to be.

I don't mean for this blog to act as a cock block, instead I am trying to create some awareness to the way men operate. If us ladies become more aware and in tune with what the heck a guy means when he says "girl, you're really wearing that dress" then maybe we'd feel better about getting it in because we would know what the guy's intentions were. The awkward "what does this mean" feeling us women tend to get the morning after really ruins the entire experience. Also, if you are able to identify the motives of the man in question it gives you the opportunity to throw the deuces up and do the cupid shuffle right on out of that situation.

After I got such beautiful answers from my gal pals, I decided that it would only be fair to also send a mass text out to my guy friends to see what they had to say for themselves.

1. " I just let them know it's business baby blue eyes say it all."
2. " I say get naked-Denzel voice"
3. "If you playfully make fun of most of them, they'll want to prove you wrong and they'll know you're down to earth enough to trust. That's how it works for drunk college girls at least"
4. "I would divulge my technique but it's so original I can't have others out here doing what I do. That's the angle I work."
5."Proximity and persistence are clutch"
6. "depends on the relationship with the girl."
7."shower them with compliments"
8."I would give clues and hints by being overly affectionate behind closed doors. Sneaking in an inappropriate gesture that only she can see in public."
9. "I'm just honest and tell her she looks sexy--sometimes that opens the door"
10." My tactic is go for the KILL! what's the worst that can happen? A no. This helps my confidence knowing if the girl says no that there is a better looking girl right there waiting."

My first thought after pondering the responses these gentleman gave me was that I don't think that a guy actually knows what he's doing when he pursues a lovely lady. I believe that my girls have a collection of so many hysterical experiences with being approached in a bizarre and even offensive ways because the guy is a nervous Nelly about it in the first place. I think that men are creatures of habit and once upon a time, saying or acting in an over the top manner worked for them in hitting a home run, if you know what I'm saying, and they just keep on operating with the formula that has worked for them in the past.

The survey I conducted tonight was so fun and most importantly so informative! I feel like in 23 years I've been alive and the 10 years that I've been actively been trying to figure out the opposite sex, I never once considered that they might not know what they're really doing. I also need to give a shout out to all the guys who actually have the balls to go up to a girl and say anything at all!! I can barely even look at someone I have a crush on without giggling or pissing myself, so I can't imagine how fast your sweet (or in some cases naughty) hearts are racing or how quick witted you must have to be to not make an utter fool of yourself and end up being featured in someones personal blog.

To make it simple as a dimple, I have come to the conclusion that if you think someone wants to fork it to ya, then they probably do...either get with it, or get lost!

xoxo silly rabbits,

1 comment:

  1. That post was HIGH-larius! You are one funny girl.
    But seriously, not a c*ck-block. Some girls just need it spelled out for them. Have you had the chance to read "he's just not that into you"? OMG, yes I'm going on fourteen years of marriage but I <3 SATC, and SJP, so it was just a matter of time before I read the book. I love it so much that I have lent out copy one, replaced it and then lent out copy two! If you have a chance read it. Keep 'em coming, and great job!

